The Doctrine of Discovery in Pacific Waters





Doctrine of Discovery in English

Historical Movements Map

Mapping different historical points in Pasifika was first part of my doctoral research, a way to visualize different kinds of movement through time and the space of our great ocean. Through the Restorying Pasifika Histories series at the Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum in Long Beach, California, the map grew exponentially.
This is NOT a comprehensive mapping of historical activities from all islands. I’ve focused on adding movement and activity within these guidelines: 1) the map should provide a broad sense of movements that is inclusive of Melenesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. 2) The map should provide relational context for our Pasifika communities in southern California and the Indigenous Peoples whose lands hold us here.
Finally, I will note that the map includes specific points from Aitutaki and Pukapuka (Cook Islands) because those histories belong to my family. It is through my papa’anga (genealogy) that I best understand our histories.
This is very much still a work in progress that I hope will be helpful to our communities living away from our ancestral home islands.


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