It’s my favorite time of year, when dinner is full of color!
My balcony is pretty shaded, but I have one corner that gets a decent amount if sun. So I thought it was at least worth attempting a few veggie plants. So far so good on the cherry tomato front!
The first festival of the year today! Only my second time dancing at such an event, and this one was much larger than the last. So many nerves!
88 degrees at 6:45pm feels cool when it was triple digits all day.
As it happens, I was supposed to drive to San Diego from Orange County yesterday afternoon. The crazy fire activity and closing freeways delayed my original plans, but I did make it down. The glow from the Cocos Fire in San Marcos was visible from the 5 south yesterday evening. Now the fire is flaring up again, as is evident by the view from Valley Center.