Editing, shooting, writing, and graphic design are all in my wheelhouse. They’re skills I’ve honed for years–some for more than a decade. I’m always active in at least one of these on work days The more creative work becomes part of my daily routine, the more creative ruts I land in. One of the things that helps break the rut experimentation. For me, it works best when it’s in a medium I’m not familiar with. Like painting. A couple weekends ago I finally finished a set inspired by tivaevae.
My sister is cosplaying Hawkgirl at a costume party, so we’re up late finishing the wings.
After the craziness of June, I was relieved to start July off with a 3-day weekend. I capped off the weekend with a brief trip to Disneyland (more relaxing than it sounds) with a friend. We ended the night eating dole whip floats in front of these windows outside the Enchanted Tiki Room.
A small harvest to be sure, but it’s good enough for a personal bowl of guacamole. It’s pretty fun to have a tomato plant on the balcony this summer.
There was also a kitten edition of this shirt. I can’t decide if I want an explanation or not…