It has been almost a decade since the last time I was a spectator at a rugby match where I was not related to any of the players. As it happens, that last time also happened the be the first professional rugby game I’d ever attended.
Nine years ago on a chilly June night, I piled into a car with my brother, dad, uncles and cousin for a mini road trip to Waikato Stadium in Hamilton, New Zealand. We were on our way to watch the All Blacks and Ireland. My brother had acquired rugby fever during our vacation, however I was considerably less impressed with the sport that everyone described to me as a cross between my favorite and least favorite sports: soccer and American football.
I only remember two moments from the game. The first was the invisible electricity generated by the All Blacks’ haka to begin the test — amazing. The second moment was when I narrowly missed being soaked in beer, courtesy of the drunken Irish fans standing next to me.
Thankfully, I was never in immediate danger of being soaked in beer at today’s final OMBAC game of the PRP season. When I found out Christopher wouldn’t be suiting up for the game, I’ll admit that I considered skipping the game in favor of a much needed nap. Buuuuut…I can nap tomorrow, right?
Just like that game nine years ago, the I team turned up to root for went home victorious. That’s a pretty good streak.