Staying inspired through reading

My how time flies when you’re working hard on a new project. Before you know it, months have passed since the last time you wrote. Oops.

I’ve been feeling a burn out coming on for the last couple weeks, so I’ve scaled back on some of my work to make time for “fun” reading. Reading is my favorite way to refill the creative well and refresh the soul, but when I’m pressed for time, it is also the first thing I cut out. Ditching fun reading is an unfortunate habit I picked up in college that is perpetuated by a workaholic nature.

Ever since we recorded the New to Comics podcasts, I’ve had an ever-growing stack of comics and graphic novels waiting for attention. By far, my favorite of the bunch is Bone by Jeff Smith. An epic 1300 page action-adventure fantasy tale, Bone is a fantastic book that is often compared to Lord of the Rings. The comparison is an accurate one, though this will be much more enjoyable for those who find Tolkien’s prose too dense. Whether you’re looking for an intro to the comic medium or a way to rejuvenate your imagination, I can’t recommend Bone enough. And if the hefty page count scares you, start small, pick up volume 1.

Bone starts out light and funny (the bickering rat creatures are my favorite), full of wit. Then the plot kicks in, and suddenly, you’re reading a thoughtful page turner that’s layering social commentary in to the war between good an evil. While I enjoyed all of the graphic novels I’ve read this year, Bone is where I finally “got” comics. The artwork works in tandem with the story to create a book that is a true joy to read.

A good joyful story experience is the perfect inspiration to springboard you back into the creative groove. Stay groovy, keep reading!

If you’re interested in keeping up with what I’m reading, catch me on Goodreads.

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