Book friends
The rest of this weekend is dedicated to book friends, old and new. Phantastes – George MacDonald Relish: My Life in the Kitchen – Lucy Knisley Bandette: Presto! – Paul Tobin And ye dear old friend, The Fellowship of the Ring.
The rest of this weekend is dedicated to book friends, old and new. Phantastes – George MacDonald Relish: My Life in the Kitchen – Lucy Knisley Bandette: Presto! – Paul Tobin And ye dear old friend, The Fellowship of the Ring.
I am so ready for this 3-day weekend to get underway! Time to recharge in preparation for a big Spirit of Tivaevae push for PIFA…oh yeah, and work stuff.
Behold, the bane of my dancing existence. They proclaim to be reusuable, but as I have yet to master the application process, they are not usually reusable for me. Someday, someday…
I had such a lovely time learning to sew tifaifai at Heiva San Diego last weekend. Auntie Yvette is such a gem, it was an honor to learn from her. She is not just an accomplished seamstress with many beautiful tifaifai to her name, she is also smart and savvy. She speaks Tahitian, French, English, and Cook Islands Maori, and maybe more I didn’t learn about. I hope that when I’m her age I’m as caring and charming as she is.
The last of the 2014 Hura Tahiti DVDs were released into the wild today. I’m looking forward to catching up on lost sleep. The end of this project marks the end of two long months of work. R&R this weekend, then jumping right back in with Heiva San Diego next week.