Usually when inspiration strikes, it only offers a small part of what a project could become. As you work and create, you collect more pieces until you have fully formed project. But sometimes, inspiration gives you the whole vision in one glimpse, leaving the details to be filled in later. I had one of those visions when I returned home from spending Thanksgiving with my family.
While I was gone, my roommate made a beautiful Christmas wreath. As soon as I saw the wreath on the front door I knew how we were going to decorate our apartment this year.
My roommate and I had already had agreed that this is our year to create a really special Christmas look for our home. Take inventory of our individual decoration stashes, ditch the stuff that no longer works, and try to create a more cohesive look than we have had in the past. Lucky for me, my roomie had already had already had the same Whoville lighting bolt. Sharing a creative vision is a wonderful thing!
While our apartment is pretty big, it’s still, well, apartment-sized. A Whoville theme means lots of colors and crazy, unusual decorations in a small space. The biggest challenge will be achieving a Whoville level of Christmas without overwhelming guests (or ourselves!).

Plus, we’re on a budget. And this is the kind of project where you could easily spend $200 or more in decorations. Yeah, no thanks.
It’s the perfect opportunity to put on my creative producer hat to figure out how to solve decoration problems while staying on budget. It will also mean dusting off our drawing skills and putting a paintbrush to work. Much like practical effects often look better than CGI effects in film, DIY decorations are always more fun than strictly store bought.
I’ll do an update post or two as we go along so you can see how our Christmas decoration endeavors progress. You can also check out my inspiration board on Pinterest to get a little preview of where we’re headed.